People tend to be born–and many continue–to live with the mindset of sheep. They need to be fed and protected or they may die. Sometimes, it’s fine to be sheep–eating, sleeping, being part of a herd. Sometimes, we need to be Sheep Dogs–the one or one of those who accepts the call to serve, protect, lead, or provide for others.
Many think first of our military and first responders, which is good. They are protectors and they provide service and sacrifice. We should also think of leaders in families, communities, and places of work and worship.
For the veteran or civilian who has chosen alcohol or narcotics or anger to cope with PTSD, moral injury, or other pain, the inner “Sheep Dog” can come out and develop to take care of self better to boost capacity to care for others. The enemy of our loved ones is not always a predator or terrorist–sometimes the “Goliath” we need to “Master” is within our choices.
Part of our purpose on this planet is to Plan and Lead in Life as our best-selves.
Life Leaders is hosting a public service seminar in the Birmingham Area to help us know better when and how to be a Sheep Dog, led by Col. Stretch Dunn (USA Ret), co-author of Professionalism Under Stress: Lessons for Professionalism, Stress, and Gunfighting in Military and Civilian Life (Dunn & Dyson).
Life Leaders hosts monthly events focused on Planning for the 7 Areas of Life, Best-Self Leadership, Patriotism in Action, and Freedom to Flourish. And, we provide educational and community development program and project leadership. To receive an invitation or information: