Freedom Fence
Protect Your Pets.
Protect Wildlife from your Pets.
Protect your Peace of Mind and add Freedom.

The cats enjoy the screen porch with a pet door leading to a ramp to walk outside to lay in the sun on a catwalk or walk in grass and dirt–all while covered on tops and sides to keep them safe. On the porch, when weather gets extra cold or stormy, they have a cat door access to more of the house.
Another pet garden was added with freedom fence, mainly for dogs, to exit the back door through their dog door and lead out to benches and to a human door leading to a larger back yard. A door for dogs and a cat walk level door provide access between the two pet gardens for dogs and cats and so they can be separated such as when you want the dogs to have direct access to the back yard while keeping the cats safe in their own garden.
The backyard Freedom Fence does not have a top but does have an extra feature to protect dogs who are athletes and/or climbers. On top of the 5′ fence, we add 2′ angled at 45 degrees inward to restrict climbing over the fence. We built this added fence for Cowgirl (Border Collie and Australian Shepherd). This helps with cats though they often can climb out.
The main materials used are available at building supply stores or online: treated pine 4×4 posts, 2×4 rails and supports, welded wire with 2×4″ spacing came in five foot height and 100 foot rolls. You can use smaller openings such as 1″ x 1″ but larger than 2 x 4″ or 2 x 2″ invites birds to fly in to the garden or could endanger small kittens. Chicken wire also works. We used modest amounts of Sakrete at the base of the posts to make more secure in wind though providing the option to move the fenced gardens in case of moving.
The catwalks are 5 feet high inside both pet gardens (above the dogs, though cats and dogs are safe together). The catwalks are built with plywood and 2×4″ framing. We used a drill and screws to attach most of the wood and staples to attach the fence to the wood. We added doors with gate hinges and handles. The benches (partially shown at right) provide seating for dogs and people. It’s nice to sit outside in the evening with people and pets. Pet Screen on the porch replaced the traditional metal or fiberglass screen materials, which did not keep dogs and cats secure.

Why Freedom Fence
Freedom Fence not only protects your pets, it protects wildlife from your pets. Cats allowed to go outside and roam are not just catching mice and rats: Scientific estimates put the total number of songbirds killed by cats at 1.4 billion to 3.7 billion every year; this is in addition to the 6.9 billion to 20.7 billion small mammals killed by cats every year.