Author-Teacher & Founder Life Leaders Institute, Compassion Ranch, and Patriotism in Action.
Veterans Day History & Character Education
Publications and Resources:
Patriotism in Action book
Veterans Day started in Alabama poster
U.S. Senate Resolution
Photo of General Eisenhower-Weeks 1946
Telegram of General Eisenhower 1947
TV-Video of President Reagan 1982
The launch of America’s Veterans Day led by Weeks & Alabama 1945-54:
President Eisenhower’s leadership
President Reagan honoring Weeks as the “driving force” 1982
10 Character Traits to Teach for Veterans Day, Rights, and Freedom
The campaign to restore Alabama’s legacy as for Veterans Day
Resources teachers in the USA can use to teach Veterans Day History and Character
Case for teaching why and where Veterans Day started to students in U.S. schools
Birmingham, Alabama hosted the first national Veterans Day observance and has been a model for the nation. We share highlights about traditional and special events to tell more of the story and offer ideas to Veterans Day organizers throughout America [Excerpt from Patriotism in Action].
Posters are displayed in schools, city halls, tourism centers, and veterans chapters by patriots teaching Veterans Day started here, it’s significance to students, and why we lead.