Dr. David Dyson Author
Radio Program with Lou Vickery January 30: Steps to Set Resolutions
Lou and I discussed: 7 Steps to Set a Resolution and applications for his listeners, for students, and veterans making comebacks. For more information, write to me: David@LifeLeadersInstitute.org
Called to be Friends
“In friendship…we think we have chosen our peers. In reality a few years’ difference in the dates of our births, a few more miles between certain houses, the choice of one university instead of another…the accident of a topic being raised or not raised at a first meeting–any of these chances might have kept us […]
Patriot in Action: Founder of America’s Veterans Day
Gen. Eisenhower (L) and Raymond Weeks of Alabama / Founder of America’s Veterans Day A patriot in action feels patriotism and also takes action to serve, to lead, to make a difference for country. She sometimes sees a wrong that needs to be corrected; sometimes, he sees something not yet done that merits commitment and energy. […]
All we Deserve is a Chance
All any of us deserve is a chance. It’s a gift, a bonus, if we also find help, friendship, and love. In good times and bad, our call is to do our best with our callings, gifts, and talents. Our best-selves is the goal. Seeking significance is a higher value than success. To fulfill our […]
Radio Program Interview with Lou Vickery Oct. 24, 2014
National Veterans Day • New lead banner for Parade: Veterans Day Founded in Birmingham, AL 1947 • Founder Veterans Day: WWII Navy Raymond Weeks (born south AL, raised BHM) • National Veteran Award honoree—Senator Bob Dole • New Veterans Day Founding Education Web Page Veterans Making Comebacks • Oscar: PTSD living in the woods two […]