Jeopardy TV: Father of Veterans Day
Two organizations known for vetting before they honor someone or use in a broadcast–the Reagan White House and the Jeopardy Television program, both, call Raymond Weeks of Birmingham the “Father of Veterans Day.” You can see the clip (1 minute) and/or or pass to a teacher or journalist: To see more: Tribute to the Founder […]
Time. Inspiration. Money. Energy. Often, when people are worried about how much more “Time” they need, the true core issues are amounts of “Inspiration” and “Energy” they have that govern time use. Review and write updates to your plan to help focus on purpose and areas of passion to feel Inspiration as you work and […]
Best-Self Leadership Strategy
7 Best Practices to Lead Your Life If a child asked, “How do I do my best?”, how would you answer? A common answer, “work hard and have a good attitude.” It’s good advice though not complete or very deep. You have a chance to share your best-self strategy and have impact on a colleague […]
7 Areas to Plan, Assess, Reward Professionally
7 Areas to Plan, Assess, Reward Professionally What gets rewarded proves more likely to get repeated. What we put on our scopes as targets has a better chance of getting aimed at and hit. Improving the design of what we plan, assess, and reward improves results seeking to inspire and guide good people to do […]
The Purpose of Life
My suggestion for the universal mission statement: To live a spiritual journey–faithfully; love and serve others–meaningfully; and do my best–joyously. This can be part of your Life Mission Statement or the three main parts may encourage you to write your statement. David
Called to be Friends
“In friendship…we think we have chosen our peers. In reality a few years’ difference in the dates of our births, a few more miles between certain houses, the choice of one university instead of another…the accident of a topic being raised or not raised at a first meeting–any of these chances might have kept us […]
All we Deserve is a Chance
All any of us deserve is a chance. It’s a gift, a bonus, if we also find help, friendship, and love. In good times and bad, our call is to do our best with our callings, gifts, and talents. Our best-selves is the goal. Seeking significance is a higher value than success. To fulfill our […]