Services Menu, Preparation, and Vision


The Purpose of Life

To live a spiritual journey–faithfully; love and serve others–meaningfully; and do my best–joyously. One sentence, three parts, seven values. I had a mission statement I thought was good when someone approached me and said he was searching for the purpose of his life. He asked my opinion on life mission.  I realized my mission statement needed...

Freedom to Choose

In the space between stimulus and response, we have freedom to choose. When we envision who we seek to be and what we wish to do, we will do better than the popular though often overrated “go with the flow.” Once we have envisioned our best-selves, written plans, taken action, and created habits, we can...


Time. Inspiration. Money. Energy. Often, when people are worried about how much more “Time” they need, the true core issues are amounts of “Inspiration” and “Energy” they have that govern time use. Review and write updates to your plan to help focus on purpose and areas of passion to feel Inspiration as you work and...

Power of 1° Better

Adjusting a magnifying glass to focus just 1° better can make the difference between hot and hot enough to burn through obstacles. Increasing the temperature of water from 211° to 212° changes hot water to boiling water, which creates steam and energy strong enough to move machines, which can move mountains. The strategies for 1 percent improvement are...

Independence Day and the Founding Fathers

Col. Dunn presented at Life Leaders last evening about the importance of freedom of religion and more related to Independence Day and our founding fathers who sought to create a country free of religious persecution that existed in Europe. People had been killed for believing differently. The founding fathers shared a belief in God and...

Best-Self Leadership Strategy improved

7 Best Practices to Lead Your Life Our plans for life should include a best-self strategy, which summarizes our answer to the question, how do I do my best? Two sources you can read and use are my (Dr. David Dyson’s) 7 Best Practices to PLAN and LEAD your LIFE and Dr. Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits...

We have Freedom to Choose

We have freedom to choose our response to what happens. That’s a lesson from Dr. Stephen Covey on a video I shared with Life Leaders at the monthly seminar and meeting. We can choose character development more than personality. We should include character development in our goals to be better instead of just appear better...

Make Memorial Day More Meaningful by Taking Action

  Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, has been commemorated in America since 1868. Before that, there is evidence of decorating graves of Civil War dead and loved ones. Source: Patriotism in Action, page 110 ( Meaning and Mission for us after Memorial Day When you paused to remember on Memorial Day, what did you...

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