Services Menu, Preparation, and Vision
5 Leadership Best Practices
Dr. Dionne Rosser-Mims taught 5 key practices for leaders at the Troy University Leadership Conference 2018, citing authors Kouzes and Posner: Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable others to Act Encourage the Heart APPLICATIONS YOU CAN USE TO OPERATIONALIZE THE BEST PRACTICES Choose the best practices you want to use...
Achievable Resolutions
To Plan, Decide, and Act to Achieve, Improve, Solve, Change, Transform I developed this 7-Step Method to help my seminar students who often set the same “New Year Resolution” year after year. Both they and I have done better identifying priorities and taking action. 7 Steps to Set a Resolution that increase your chance of...
Courage to Dream
Many of us hold back, sometimes unconsciously, on pursuing dreams–because of fear. We sometimes dwell on possible negative outcomes like failure or embarrassment. Seminar students often say, they stay in their “comfort zones” too much because of “what people might think” if they tried something special. They also admit they hesitate instinctively when seeking goals outside...
Read a summary of Independence Day to internalize a deeper commemoration
As we celebrate Independence Day, remember appreciation of Veterans and families, including those since 1776, and share with others the national history that: America’s Veterans Day was born in Birmingham and Advanced in Alabama. To share more with a teacher or another patriot, they can read about how Veterans Day started and the summary of...
Break the Anger Addiction
“TWO THINGS A MAN SHOULD NEVER BE ANGRY AT: WHAT HE CAN HELP AND WHAT HE CANNOT HELP.” -THOMAS FULLER- Many people seem to be addicted to anger. The addiction often means a person will first focus on complaining, venting frustration, and creating drama…instead of focusing on a solution to the problem with a reasonable level...
Greatest Use of Life
“The greatest use of life is for something that will outlast it.” – William James – William James, philosopher and psychologist also trained as a physician, was the first educator to offer a psychology course in the United States. More...
Plato and Our First Victory
“The first and best victory is to conquer self.” Plato Best-Self Leadership is the first best practice to plan and lead in life. –David 7 Best Practices for Life Leadership Continuum and 7 Areas of Life Pyramid To prepare students and professionals to do their best requires teaching and rewarding learning and development in Best-Self Leadership...
Definite Purpose+Burning Desire
“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.” Napoleon Hill, author of The Law of Success and Think and Grow Rich To identify one’s calling not only provides greater clarity on purpose but also...